It's all in the setting!

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4. Do you have a loose diamond supplier in the New York Diamond District that you trust and use on a regular basis?

BBWorks takes pride in our relationship with most major diamond dealers in the Diamond District, to the extent that we encourage you to use your own established supplier. We are here for the expressed purpose of providing the finest service to you, and if you are more comfortable using stones from your loose house, we will be glad to receive matched sets of stones and mount them to your specific needs.

If you wish to set up a continuous program of a series of channel set or prong set anniversary rings, we will work with your diamond supplier to your carat and quality specifications, and mount them for a very cost effective band program for your store or stores. Simply let your diamond dealer know where we are and what you need and we will happily set them for you, or give us your specifications and contact information and we'll call and set it up on your behalf with your existing source. In this way, you can be assured that your anniversary and eternity ring programs can be consistent in quality and workmanship throughout the year.